Cyberlights Lighthouses - Oakville  

Oakville Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1837

Is the Light operational? No

Year Light First Lit:

Year Deactivated: 1960

Shape: Hexagonal

Tower Height: 25   ft.

Original Optic:

Present Optic:

Existing Keepers Quarters? No

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Oakville Lighthouse
Oakville, Ontario

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Oakville Lighthouse

[Photo 2]

Last Visited: May, 2004

The original Oakville Lighthouse was built in 1837, to mark the mouth of 16 Mile Creek, roughly 15 miles west of Toronto. The lighthouse stood at the end of a pier until 1886, when it was swept into Lake Ontario by a storm.

In 1889, a new, 25-foot high octagonal wooden structure replaced the old lighthouse. This structure served until the 1960's, when it was deactivated and moved to the grounds of the Oakville Yacht Squadron in 1960.

Source: Rudy and Alice's Lighthouse Page

The lighthouse sits on the grounds of Oakville Yacht Club, which is private. However, you can get a closeup view from the parking lot just outside the Yacht Club.

Personal Note:
Kind of a disappointing view of the lighthouse from the parking lot. It seems like the lighthouse was just tossed into a corner of their lot. Seems like it should have a more prominent setting than where it is.

Latitude/Longitude: 43.441741,-79.66951

Nearest Address: 97 Forsythe St Oakville, ON L6K 3R7, Canada

  • From the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way) heading east towards Toronto, take exit 118 - Trafalgar St.
  • At the end of the ramp, go right.
  • Take Trafalgar St. for appx. 1.8km to the intersection with Lakeshore Rd. Turn right onto Lakeshore Rd.
  • Follow Lakeshore Rd. for about 700m, when you'll cross over the Sixteen Mile Creek.
  • As soon as you cross over the creek, turn left onto Forsythe St, then immediately turn left into the Shipyard Park parking lot. The lighthouse is at the far end of the parking lot, on the other side of the fence inside the Yacht Club.

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