Port Dalhousie Range Lights
Cyberlights Lighthouses - Port Dalhousie Range Lights   Cyberlights Lighthouses - Port Dalhousie Range Lights  

Port Dalhousie Rear Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1852

Is the Light operational? No

Year Light First Lit: 1898

Year Deactivated: 1988

Shape: Octagonal

Tower Height: 40   ft.

Original Optic:

Present Optic:

Existing Keepers Quarters? No

Port Dalhousie Front Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1852

Is the Light operational? Yes

Year Light First Lit: 1879

Year Automated: 1968

Shape: Square Pyramidal

Tower Height: 42   ft.

Original Optic:

Present Optic:

Existing Keepers Quarters? No

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Port Dalhousie Range Lights
St. Catharines, Ontario

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Port Dalhousie Range Lights

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Last Visited: May, 2004

Port Dalhousie was the northern terminus of the Welland Canal from 1829 to 1932. This canal connected Lakes Ontario and Erie, thus bypassing Niagara Falls. The original rear range light was built in 1852. The front range light was built in 1879. The rear range light was rebuilt in 1893 and 1898. Fire destroyed the original structure, and lightning destroyed the second. (Oleszewski, p. 31)

By the turn of the century, the port was a popular destination for vacationers from Toronto, who enjoyed the beautiful parks and beaches of the area. In 1932, the Welland Canal's northern terminus was moved to Port Weller, and the importance of Port Dalhousie diminished. The lights were automated in 1968, and the rear range light was deactivated in 1988. Today, the port is a quiet town, but the location is as scenic as it was in its heyday. As of summer 1999, the rear range light was in use by the Niagara College Sailing School.

Source: Rudy and Alice's Lighthouse Page

Both lighthouses are not open but sit on the grounds of a public marina, where you can walk up close to both lights.

Latitude/Longitude: 43.207021,-79.263228

Nearest Address: 80 Lighthouse Rd St Catharines, ON L2N 7P5, Canada

  • From Niagra Falls, Ontario, take the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way) east towards Toronto.
  • Take exit 46.
  • At the end of the ramp, turn left onto Lake St.
  • Follow Lake St. for about 1km. At that point much of the traffic forks left onto Lakeport Rd. Do like everyone else and bear left onto Lakeport Rd.
  • Take Lakeport Rd. for 1.2km to the traffic lights. Turn right onto Lakeshore Rd.
  • In about 150m turn left onto Lighthouse Rd.
  • Follow Lighthouse Rd. to the marina. Park in the lot right at the rear range light.

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