Ram Island Ledge
Cyberlights Lighthouses - Ram Island Ledge  

Ram Ledge Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1905

Is the Light operational? Yes

Year Light First Lit: 1905

Year Automated: 1959

Shape: Conical

Tower Height: 38   ft.

Original Optic: 3rd Order, Fresnel

Present Optic: 300mm

Existing Keepers Quarters? No

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse
Portland, Maine

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse

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Ram Island Ledge light sits on a rocky ledge at the northern entrance to Portland Harbor. At high tide the ledge is completely covered. The lighthouse can be seen in the distance from Fort Williams State Park, the location of Portland Head Light.

Personal Note:
If you take a day trip to Peak's Island, which is just off the coast of Portland, you'll get a unique view of Ram Island Ledge. When you find your way to Seashore Ave you'll see Ram Island Ledge Light. Look off in the distance beyond the lighthouse. To the left of it you'll see Portland Head light. Then far off in the distance to the left of Ram Island you can see Cape Elizabeth Light. One location, 3 lighthouses!

Latitude/Longitude: 43.631478,-70.187495

Nearest Address:  12 Captain Strout Cir, Cape Elizabeth, ME

  • The best views of Ram Island Ledge can be seen from Portland Head Lighthouse
  • From points south of Portland take Route 1 north into South Portland and take a right onto Broadway.
  • In appx. 2.5 miles turn right onto Cottage St.
  • In just over a mile Cottage St. becomes Shore Rd. (at the intersection with Woodbury St. on the left). Continue straight on Shore Rd.
  • In just under a mile you'll come to the entrance to Fort Williams State Park. The lighthouse is at the far end of the park.

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