Seguin Island Light
Seguin Island Quick Facts
Year Station Established: 1795
Is the Light operational? Yes
Year Light First Lit: 1857
Year Automated: 1985
Shape: Cylindrical
Tower Height: 53 ft.
Original Optic: 1st Order, Fresnel
Present Optic: 1st Order, Fresnel
Existing Keepers Quarters? Yes
Year Constructed: 1857
Number of Stories: 1.5
Architectural Style: Cape Cod
Construction Materials: Brick
Seguin Island Lighthouse Seguin Island, Maine
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Last Visited: August, 2001
Sitting atop the tall rocky island, Seguin Island Light, Maine's second lighthouse, is also at the highest elevation of any other Maine Lighthouse at 186 feet above sea level. Although the Coast Guard has maintained the tower, lantern room, and light, the rest of the building had practically been abandoned. But in 1990 the Friends of Seguin Island Light began the restoration of the house and buildings. Now, every summer the Friends of Seguin have a couple act as keepers for the season. They maintain the building and give tours to the many visitors during the summer. During the summer of 2001 we visited Seguin Island and met the current keepers, Jim Woods and Kris Pescatore. They were both extremely friendly and took the time to show us around the lighthouse, bring us up the tower, and answer any questions we might have had.
Once you are on the island, search out the caretakers who are there from Memorial Day through Labor Day. They will be more than happy to take you on a guided tour of the tower to see the Lens, through our Museum, and answer any questions you may have. There is no charge to visit the island, but donations are gratefully accepted. Lighthouse pictures and memorabilia maybe purchased in our gift shop. Thanks to Eagle Scout Nate Power, there is a Composting Toilet Facility available on the island for public use. We ask that you remove your own bottles and trash. Also, dogs are allowed on the island but, due to the nesting migratory sea bird colonies, please keep them leashed and pick-up after them.
Personal Note:
Click here for a Lighthouse Digest story about the 2001 Lightkeepers.
Latitude/Longitude: 43.707535,-69.758029
- Seguin Light can only be seen by boat. Tours from Freeport, Bath, and the Boothbay area go out to Seguin during the summer months. See our Lighthouse Tours page for info on tours.