Egg Rock Light
Cyberlights Lighthouses - Egg Rock Light  

Egg Rock Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1875

Is the Light operational? Yes

Year Light First Lit: 1875

Year Automated: 1976

Shape: Square

Tower Height: 40   ft.

Original Optic: 5th Order, Fresnel

Present Optic: 250mm rotating

Existing Keepers Quarters? Yes
     Year Constructed: 1875
      Number of Stories: 1.5
      Architectural Style: Integral
      Construction Materials: Wood

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Egg Rock Lighthouse
Bar Harbor, ME

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Egg Rock Lighthouse

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Last Visited: September, 2010

Built on a rocky ledge in 1875 to mark the entrance to Frenchman Bay, Egg Rock Light consists of a brick tower in the center of a 1 1/2 story wooden keeper's house. The lighthouse originally held a fifth-order Fresnel lens. The appearance of Egg Rock Light was somewhat altered in the late 1890s when the original roof was replaced by the present roof with dormers.

In 1902 Egg Rock Light was upgraded with the installation of a new fourth-order lens. The characteristic was changed from fixed red to flashing white. The fog bell striking machinery was repaired the same year.

The Coast Guard keepers were removed and Egg Rock Light was automated in 1976. The Coast Guard removed the lighthouse's lantern and installed rotating aerobeacons. This gave Egg Rock Light a decidedly homely appearance; it was sometimes called the least attractive lighthouse in Maine. After public complaints the Coast Guard installed a new aluminum lantern and a 190 mm optic in 1986. There is now a VRB-25 optic in place.

Source: New England Lighthouses - A Virtual Guide

Latitude/Longitude: 44.354112,-68.138133

Nearest Address: 472 Schooner Head Rd, Bar Harbor, ME

  • If you are not taking a sightseeing cruise out of Bar Harbor your best viewing spots of Egg Rock Light are from Acadia National Park - specifically from an overlook near one of the park entrances.
  • From Bar Harbor, take Route 3 south out of town.
  • A mile or so out of town you will bear left onto Schoonerhead Road. There is an ice cream stand right a the intersection where you'll turn left.
  • Follow that road to until you get to National Park signs. The sign will point to the right for the entrance. You'll want to take a left there.
  • The left turn will bring you to a cul-de-sac style parking area. Park there. You can take pathes down to the water where you can get long distance pictures. At the water's edge you are about 1.5 miles from the lighthouse.

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