Barnegat Light
Cyberlights Lighthouses - Barnegat Light  

Barnegat Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1835

Is the Light operational? No

Year Light First Lit: 1857

Year Deactivated: 1944

Shape: Conical

Tower Height: 172   ft.

Original Optic: 1st Order, Fresnel

Present Optic: Removed

Existing Keepers Quarters? No

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Barnegat Lighthouse
Long Beach Island, NJ

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Barnegat Lighthouse

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Last Visited: October, 2001

Barnegat Lighthouse is located on the northern tip of Long Beach Island, in the town of Barnegat Light, New Jersey.

The present lighthouse is the third on the tip of the island. The first lighthouse was a 40 foot masonry tower constructed in 1834. It had a miserable reputation as a lighthouse. It stood until 1856, when it became in undulated by the sea and toppled into the sea during Keeper James Fuller's watch. Fortunately, the circumstances had been foreseen and the lamps had been removed and replaced in a temporary wooden tower constructed further inland.

Construction began on the present lighthouse in 1857 and was completed in 1858. Because of the similarity in size to the Absecon Lighthouse to the south, Barnegat Lighthouse's light was given a different characteristic to help distinguish from its southerly comrade. The light at Barnegat was a first-order Flashing Fresnel which flashed once every ten seconds at each point of the compass. The lens was removed in 1927 when the Barnegat Lightship took up station off Barnegat Inlet. The lens was sent to the Tompkinsville Lighthouse Depot on Staten Island, New York. In 1954, the lens was returned to the town of Barnegat Light and now is on exhibit in the Barnegat Light Historical Museum

Source: New Jersey Lighthouse Society

The park is open year round, but the lighthouse is normally only open during the summer season.

Latitude/Longitude: 39.764329,-74.106122

Nearest Address: 202 Broadway, Barnegat Light, NJ

  • From Garden State Parkway take exit 63.
  • Take Route 72 East 7.2 to Long Beach Boulevard.
  • Turn left onto Long Beach Boulevard.
  • Drive 8.6 miles north to Barnegat Light

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