Conneaut West BW
Cyberlights Lighthouses - Conneaut West BW  

Conneaut Quick Facts

Year Station Established: 1835

Is the Light operational? Yes

Year Light First Lit: 1936

Year Automated: 1972

Shape: Pyramidal w/o Lantern

Tower Height: 60   ft.

Original Optic:

Present Optic: 375mm

Existing Keepers Quarters? Yes
     Year Constructed: 1873
      Number of Stories: 1.5
      Architectural Style: T-Shaped Modified Du
      Construction Materials: Wood

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Conneaut West Breakwater Lighthouse
Conneaut, OH

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Conneaut West Breakwater Lighthouse

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Last Visited: August, 2002

A light station was first established here in 1835. A concrete, crib type foundation was used to support a lighthouse constructed with a square tower and attached keeper's quarters and supply rooms.

Built in 1936, the current lighthouse it is located at the end of the West pier. As a breakwater light, it is of a lighter but still strong type of construction. The white tower is of a "Art Moderne" style steel plate construction on a concrete foundation. It initially operated with the use of the original harbor light lantern and a diaphone type fog signal.

Automated in 1972, the lantern room was removed and replaced with a 375 MM beacon. The light still operates as an active aid to navigation with the West Pier light exhibiting an alternating white and red beacon on 6 second intervals. It has a lens focal plane of 80 feet above lake level and a visibility range of 16 miles. It's day mark is white with a Black band. The West Pier light also has a fog signal producing a 2 second blast every 30 seconds.

The end of the East breakwater also has a Pier light marking the entrance to the harbor. This smaller Pier light exhibits a green beacon on 4 second intervals at a lens focal plane of 46 feet above lake level and a visibility range of 7 miles.

Source: Midwest Connection

Latitude/Longitude: 41.979783,-80.55773

Nearest Address: Mariana Dr, Conneaut, OH

  • From I-90 take exit 241 onto Route 7 north.
  • Take Route 7 3.1 miles and turn right onto Lake Rd
  • In 0.2 miles turn left onto Broad St.
  • Take Broad St. for 0.3 miles where it becomes Mariana Dr.
  • Take Mariana Dr. to the end. The lighthouse will be off in the distance.

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